i want buy a cpu:amd 3.8 dual core vs intel p4 doal core!(core 2 due too expensive!)my usage is for rendering...graphics...for a architect!support me
comparison between intel & amd cpu plz.
I want buy a cpu:amd 3.8 dual core vs intel p4 doal core!(core 2 due too expensive!)my usage is for renderin..
AMD is the clear winner vs the P4 and Pentium D series cpus as this chart proves:
Use www.newegg.com for pricing.
shift to ebay.com or ubid.com and check the prices.i don't know which is better for graphics but you should get the best you can for a few bucks more.
vista is still different and has a few bugs so i wouldn't take that or check out apple or mac's for your needs
Go to http://www.tigerdirect.com They own anything your heart desires and cheaply too
Either processor will do the job, currently Intel holds the processor speed title, but the difference is small, since you are dealing beside graphics, make sure you acquire a good video card, this will relieve as much as the CPU. And if you are using XP minimum of 512 MB RAM, if Vista 1 GB. I hope this helps.
if price is an issue and you can't afford a core 2 duo, later I would get an AMD Brisbane. These chips are on par near the c2d and cost less. The Brisbane 4000+ is single 99 bucks, is very hastily, and is a decent overclocking chip if you are into that.
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