I'm au fait with the E6400 E6600 etc but what's near these E4300 etc I'm seeing people cooperate about? I'm surrounded by the UK btw and I haven't seen any 4XXX for mart here.
Intel CPUs - difference between 6XXX and 4XXX?
The E4xxx 800 fsb is the slower versions of the E6xxx 1066fsb series.
And the E6xxx series overclocks far better. But you really shouldn't overclock as the heatbuild up can shorten the time of the system.
Both E4300/E6300/E6350 are around the speed of a AMD X2 4400+.
E4300 and E4400 are the true Allendales and not just fairly crippled Conroes. More here:
They are great overclockers too! Here's a sample from one of my idol:
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