Friday, September 17, 2010

ICHI Compliant IEEE1394 Host Controller?

Okay, I own no earthly impression what this is. All I know is that I installed my compter's updates because I got tired of the reminder. Since I did, my LAN nouns says that the status is controlled or no connectivity.

What I DO know is that this OCHI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Comtroller was on my device index before (though it wasnt working), not its not in attendance at all, and it seem that this little Windows XP System update made things worse and I cant recover anything because my damn system restore WILL NOT WORK to collect my life!

If anyone out in that can help me, I would be so gracious! PLEASE HELP!!

Or can someone direct me to a register where I can re-install this driver?!

If anyone out within knows how to create a computer's system restore work, I would ask the Lord to bless you millions of times over!!!

ICHI Compliant IEEE1394 Host Controller?


This is going to be a general answer, because you don't impart me specifics on what make/model of PC you have.

Click on Start/Settings (if you are using Classic start menu)/

Control Panel/System/Hardware tab/Device organizer. Look for anything that has a red X or pallid !-this means that near is a problem with it. If your exchange cards adapter has a red X, right click it and choose enable. Then, right click it again, and choose Properties. If the 'General' tab say that Your device is working properly, you have fixed your problem. Odds are large that the 1394 controller is not the problem, since that is for Firewire. If you yearning, get the make/model of your PC and e-mail me, and I'll be delighted to work with you further.

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