Friday, September 17, 2010

I want to theory test a start-up disk you of late created, but when rebooting your computer, the start-up disk is i?

I want to tryout a start-up disk you just created, but when rebooting your computer, the start-up disk is unobserved and Windows ME is loaded. Why?

I want to theory test a start-up disk you of late created, but when rebooting your computer, the start-up disk is i?

Because the boot sequence runs the hard drive first.To Change this when the computer boots up shift into setup. You probably either press F1 or Delete.When setup open you can go through the setings and find boot sequence,and devolution it so that the floppy is read first.
Maybe your bios is not set to boot to floppy drive. Check your computer bios.

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