Friday, September 17, 2010

I/O Device error when installing Windows XP?

I get a new computer and am trying to install XP but everytime I do I attain an error saying there's be an I/O error and files that windows wishes couldn't be installed. I've cracked the case several times and everything looks hooked up fine, so anyone know what's going on?

I/O Device error when installing Windows XP?

Check your optical drive pullover settings, make sure that it is set to the Master position, if with the sole purpose one drive. If you have 2 optical drives, set the second optical drive pullover to the Slave position. Then check the BIOS settings, make sure the boot command is correct for installing Windows. The first drive to boot from should be your Master optical drive for now. You'll move this back to the HDD after Windows is loaded up to the HDD. Here's a step-by-step installation guide from Microsoft. find homes for sale2

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