Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I purchased an Athlon 64 3000+ is it angelic?

I purchased an Athlon 64 3000+?

I purchased an Athlon 64 3000+ showing 1.8Ghz ..I showed it to my friend.His Pentium 4 purchased 2 years ago is at 2.4Ghz.He is maxim his PC is more powerful than myne.Is it true??

I purchased an Athlon 64 3000+ is it angelic? has those on Dutch auction for 29.00 w/ free shipping...if you paid more than that you get ripped...

in comparison to the 2x column from AMD and the duo's this thing is a dog...

everyone else is right, AMD's own low Ghz speed than Intel but are much faster clock for clock. For year's and years AMD has be saying that it's not almost how fast your processor spins ( contained by Ghz) it's all just about how much work it does in equal amount of time. Oddly enought, intel just attached the band lorry with the core duo's which enjoy lower Ghz speed, higher Fsb and do more work, faster at lower Ghz speeds...they only did what AMD has be doing for years but better, faster and cheaper...

Your Athlon is approximately the same average speed contained by reality because of the difference contained by the way AMD and Intel work as a broad rule AMD had a bigger on the ship cashe and Intel is smaller which means AMD have to make a smaller amount trips to the RAM memory than the Intel with the smaller primary cache
Not true. Yours is faster.

The true clock speed of the AMD is 1.8GHZ. The 3000+ moniker, is wise saying it is virtually as fast, or faster, than an Intel 3GHZ CPU.

AMD CPUs do more per clock cycle than Intel CPUs.

For more info:

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